Too many things to do

Ever had this thought of wanting to do so many things but not having the time to accomplish them? The frustration of realizing that?

was just reading through the notes of last sat’s sermon on the touch of God. There was one thing that hit me, we are way too distracted in a world that tries to grab every ounce of our attention and energy!

And many times being caught in such a situation, we are rendered powerless and fall into chasing all our temptations and temporal desires of our hearts.

We just have to realize what the world is distract us from, what is so crucial that the devil puts in so much effort to cover up?

it is the fact that being focused on God will bring us to a place where the promised land awaits us! While the devil offers us temporal measures that looks like the promised land, unless we focus on God and ask Him to help us be overcomers of our carnal nature. We cannot survive the battle. We will end up in the whirlpool of the world, dragged down tgt with it.

The frustration of facing all the temptations is great, but realizing it enables me to gain strength from God to overcome! Thank You Jesus!

~ by barnabas on April 15, 2012.

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